Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Latest projects

We've finished our round robin quilt tops on www.thequiltandneedle.com. This is last one I worked on... it's Sherry's top and I didnt want to post it here until she received it. Isn't it a beauty?! The colors are so striking. I was lucky to find the pattern that she used in the center so that I could add smaller versions of the center star. This was another top that was hard to put in the mail... It's been brightening up my sewing room for a few weeks.
When my top comes home, I'll post of picture of it. From the pictures I've seen, mine is a winner also :) I plan to add a few more borders to mine to make it a larger quilt. I'd love to be able to use it on my bed.

Guess what I've been working on since the round robin ...LOL?! Yup, Christmas stockings. We're doing a Christmas stocking block swap on block central. I have to make about 14 stockings. We are all using the same sock pattern with our own design of cuff. We each will do our own thing as far as patching the fabric together before cutting out the sock. This has been a nice project to work on in the evenings when I feel like sitting on the couch with some handwork. The sock and the cuff are appliqued onto the background fabric.

I've also been working on my second Americana quilt. The top is almost done. I think I'll wait until spring to quilt it. I have SO MANY projects that need to be ahead of it. Lots of Christmas presents need to be sewn up.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Making friends

I had a fun month of August doing the "Friend of the Month" swap on www.thequiltandneedle.com. Nola and I were put together as friends and had a chance to chat back and forth and share recipes. At the end of the month we sent each other a little gift. These are my surprises from Nola. I just love all of it! The navy has already been cut up and is getting worked into my Americana quilt. The pin cushion has travelled to quilt meetings a couple of times now and SOON I will be using the nail file. Im trying to grow mine out a bit first (I have the horrible habit of biting them). I think it's time to get them looking nice and isn't that the best incentive... having a pretty nail file to use (MAYBE I'LL EVEN BUY POLISH!) LOL

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Last night we had a quilt guild meeting and instead of our usual place, it was held in Bay View, Petoskey. This was a tea and trunk show. The picture below is the hall it was held in. The inside is just as beautiful.
Tammy Finkler was our guest speaker. She make OUTSTANDING "whole cloth" quilts. She is from Michigan and is not very well know, YET... Im sure that is going to change soon. Her work is very beautiful. It tried to take pictures (including a few close ups) but it's really hard to see the tiny work she can do.
This is a close up of the quilt that she's holding. It's a miniature version of an award winning quilt she had made. She tried out her ideas on this one before making the large one.

This last quilt took my breath away! It's done in regular old poly satin, that you would buy at JoAnns. She used two layers of batting and quilted it very close to bring out the details. WHAT A TRUNK SHOW!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Internet Americana UFO

This is what I was working on the past week. Im taking the weekend off from sewing because we have company coming plus some fun Labor Day parties. Yesterday the last block came in the mail (these are from a BC Americana swap I won). There were a total of 17, signed blocks. Didnt all the ladies at BC do a great job!?!! I wanted to create a quilt that uses all 17 and came up with this design. I'll be filling in the blank spots with piecing and different color pieces of Americana fabric. Bought a few this moring at the LQS ;) Hopefully, this quilt top will be done next week.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...