The year is at a close. It seems like a good time to look at what I've accomplished and what I plan to do in 2023.
Plenty of tops were finished off, some of them started over 10 years ago. There's one final top that I'd like to add to the list and that's the #lonestarquilt I'm currently working on.
This top has been challenging. It was supposed to be a 9 patch lone star (9 lone star blocks sewn as a huge 9-patch). I made 4 blocks about 12 years ago then went to make a 5th block more recently. The fifth block ended up smaller. I'm not sure why. So rather than make 8 more stars of the smaller size (I just wanted this UFO done!), I decided to make it a 4-patch and use the odd block separately. The 4-patch idea worked how it looks with the sashing and checkerboard cornerstones. What I didnt like was the size, 59 inches square. I prefer a more "usable" size. So then, with the help of IG friends, I came up with a header and footer to this quilt.
The 5th #lonestar was split and added top and bottom. I made stars out of leftovers to flank the 1/2 star. Today I need to make 7 more friendship stars to finish this top.
I'd LOVE to have it done in 2022!
So besides working on this top, I've finished up 2 more grandniece/nephew quilts:
Della's and Lewis's quilts were completed and sent to them. I still have more greatnieces to make quilts for and with any luck those will get completed this year.
This #rainbowscrapchallengequilt will be going to a great neice. I've made quite a few rainbow quilts through the years. We start them in January (yes, I'll be doing it again this year) by sorting out scraps into color piles, boxes or baggies. Then each month a color is chosen and we make a block or two (or 10😂) out of that color. Do any block you want and as many as you want.
The rainbow quilt above is from a few years ago. This past year I completed two rainbow tops, gave away one set of blocks and kept the final set to add to in 2023.
These two #rainbowquilttops were completed and now need quilting.
So! For 2023, I'm going to concentrate on quilting tops. The pile of "to be quilted" is high....maybe 20 tops? It's a lot! I'd like to see how many can get completed this year. It may not be all.... Well, we know it wont be all...but 5 to 10 of them would be a good goal. And even that may be reaching because Al and I plan to sell our house and build next door😱. So I'm also designing a house, drawing the plans up, packing, moving into a rental, building (which includes us laying our own wood floor, painting, landscaping....)....well, you get it. It'll be a busy year! Sound like too much? Yup!😀 Let's see what the year brings🎉